Apo Whang-Od, making her mark

Apo Whang-Od, making her mark

She’s been a Vogue cover star (in the Philippines) and inspired many a traveller, tattoo enthusiast, and in many cases, both, to come and visit her for a batok. She is a traditional tattoo artist who practices batok, an ancient form of tattooing from the Kalinga tribe in the Philippines. It is unique for its use of thorns or needles attached to bamboo sticks to create patterns and designs on skin.

At 107 years old, it’s fair to say she’s experienced. However travellers have only been making the somewhat arduous journey to her over the last fifteen years or so, since her story has gained international reputation. Like the art of batok itself, Kalinga, which is a 12 hour drive away from Manila, and the village where she has lived her whole life is yet to fully embrace all of the technologies of the modern world, and is the richer for it. Making the journey to see her may not be easy but it’s worth it for the piece of living history you come away with. 

We love to share some of the stories of the Filipino people and its culture and history. We’re especially keen to shine a light on the incredible achievements and talents of its female producers. If you’re interested in learning more about Apo Whang-Od we’ve included the link to a vogue article celebrating her 106 birthday last year here

Photo courtesy of Vogue Philippines:

Let us know what you think about this ancient form of tattooing and Apo Whang-Od in the comments below.
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